Configuring SMTP Servers and Email Relay on Windows Server 2022 - Mystrika - Cold Email Software (2024)

Sending email is crucial for any organization, but configuring SMTP servers and relay can be tricky. This guide explores Windows Server 2022’s built-in capabilities for optimizing email architecture and deliverability. Learn to enable SMTP relay and TLS encryption, troubleshoot issues, utilize virtualization for scalability, and follow best practices for performance and redundancy. Master email on Windows Server 2022!

Page Contents

Overview of SMTP and Email Relay

Sending and receiving email is an essential part of business operations and personal communication in the digital age. But how exactly are emails able to traverse the internet and land in our inboxes? The answer lies in SMTP, or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
SMTP is a set of communication guidelines that allows mail servers to transmit emails across the internet. It establishes a standardized way for servers to negotiate the transfer of email messages, directing them to their final destinations. When you hit send on an email from your local device, your email client connects to your outgoing SMTP server, which then communicates with the recipient’s incoming SMTP server through a chain of relay hops, eventually depositing the email in their inbox.

Here’s a simple example:

  1. You compose an email in Microsoft Outlook on your laptop.
  2. Outlook connects to your company’s SMTP server (like using port 25 or 587.
  3. Your SMTP server verifies your identity and access.
  4. It establishes a connection with the recipient’s SMTP server and transfers the email message.
  5. The receiving SMTP server accepts and stores the message for the recipient.
  6. The recipient can now access the email in their inbox.

SMTP handles the routing, transport, and delivery details that occur behind the scenes, providing a standardized protocol so any mail server can communicate with any other mail server. This interoperability is key for global email transmission.

Of course, reality is more complex than this linear example. There are often multiple hops between the originating SMTP server and the final destination, involving intermediary servers that relay messages closer to the recipient’s server. This is where email relay enters the picture.

Email relay occurs when one mail server receives an email from another server and forwards it towards its ultimate destination instead of actually delivering it. Relaying through intermediate mail servers on the open internet is normal and expected.

But sometimes businesses will configure dedicated SMTP relay servers on their private network perimeter to control the flow of outgoing email more securely. By funneling all outbound mail through your owned relay machine, you can implement protections like spam filters, antivirus scans, and authentication requirements before allowing messages out to public servers.

A properly configured SMTP relay server provides key benefits:

  • Centralized control over external email delivery for security and policy enforcement
  • Reduced risk of blacklisting if spam originates from specific internal hosts
  • Flexibility to support different internal mail systems and email domains
  • Scalability to handle large volumes of outgoing email traffic
  • Resiliency through redundancy, load balancing, and failover capabilities

Whether you want your public-facing SMTP server to act as a relay or deploy a dedicated relay machine internally, careful configuration is required for proper mail routing and delivery. Protocols, authentication, encryption, andALLOWED_IP relay restrictions must be defined based on your infrastructure.

Microsoft Windows Server provides robust built-in capabilities for enabling an SMTP relay using Internet Information Services (IIS). Alternatives like hMailServer also exist if you need a standalone third-party relay solution. With the right setup, an SMTP relay can provide a critical intermediate stage in your email transmission process to enhance security, efficiency, and deliverability.

We’ll explore the technical specifics of configuring SMTP servers and relay options using Windows Server later in this article. First, let’s look at how to find your current email settings. Understanding your existing server details provides the foundation.

Configuring SMTP Servers and Email Relay on Windows Server 2022 - Mystrika - Cold Email Software (1)

Checking Your Email Server Settings on Network Solutions

Before making any changes to your SMTP configuration, it’s important to understand your current email server settings within Network Solutions. This will show you the existing ports, servers, and encryption enabled on your account so you can determine if any modifications are needed.
Logging into your Network Solutions control panel is easy. Just go to and click Sign In at the top right. Enter your username and password when prompted.

Once you’re logged in, click on the “Manage” button for your domain and select the “Email” tab. This will display your email account settings.

Under “Connection Details”, you’ll see various parameters defined:

  • Incoming mail server (IMAP) – The hostname of the IMAP server for retrieving incoming messages
  • Incoming mail server port – The port used by IMAP, usually 143 or 993 (SSL)
  • Outgoing mail server (SMTP) – The hostname of the SMTP server for sending outgoing messages
  • Outgoing mail server port – The port used by SMTP, usually 25, 587 (TLS) or 465 (SSL)
  • Requires sign-in – Whether authentication is needed to send mail through this SMTP server

It’s critical to identify both your IMAP and SMTP servers, as they may use different hostnames. IMAP handles retrieving email while SMTP deals with sending.

Next, check the encryption configured under “Advanced Settings”:

  • None – No encryption, insecure transmission of credentials and emails
  • SSL/TLS – Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security protocols for encrypted connections
  • STARTTLS – Opportunistic TLS, upgrades connection to use TLS encryption after establishing a cleartext connection

TLS (sometimes listed as STARTTLS) is recommended for secure transmissions without compatibility issues. Avoid using None if possible.

Additionally, toggle “Use SMTP Authentication” to On to enable sending username and password credentials when connecting to SMTP for added security.

Make note of each of these current settings from your Network Solutions control panel. This will allow you to determine if your Windows SMTP server needs to be reconfigured to match.

For example, if your Network Solutions outgoing SMTP server uses on port 465 with SSL encryption, you would need to set the same server, port, and TLS/SSL parameters when configuring the new Windows SMTP server.

If the settings differ, it could lead to authentication errors, insecure connections, or emails being rejected or blocked. Syncing the configurations avoids these types of issues.

Sometimes, the existing settings may not be ideal and you’ll actually want to adjust your Windows SMTP environment to improve security or deliverability. Common changes include:

  • Enabling TLS encryption by specifying port 587 if currently set to None
  • Requiring authentication if not already mandatory
  • Adding allowed IPs instead of open relay access
  • Directing relay through a dedicated internal SMTP server rather than using Network Solutions’ SMTP

In these cases, update your Network Solutions SMTP settings after configuring Windows to match its improved security parameters going forward.

Carefully analyzing your current server details on Network Solutions empowers you to configure optimal aligned settings on Windows Server for sending emails securely and reliably. Don’t skip this important step!

Setting up an SMTP Server on Windows Server 2022

Windows Server 2022 includes robust built-in SMTP server capabilities through Internet Information Services (IIS). With the proper configuration, you can use it to send outgoing emails securely following industry best practices.
Let’s walk through considerations for installation, basic setup steps, allowing relay permissions, and securing connections with TLS encryption when deploying an SMTP server on Windows Server 2022.

Installing the SMTP Server Role

The first step is installing the SMTP Server role and required dependencies. You can use either the graphical Server Manager dashboard or PowerShell commands.

When installing on Server Core, you must use PowerShell since the GUI isn’t available. Here are the PowerShell commands to run elevated:

Install-WindowsFeature -Name SMTP-Server -IncludeManagementTools

This will install the SMTP Server role along with associated management tools for configuration.

If using Server Manager instead, navigate to Dashboard > Add Roles and Features to launch the wizard. Select Role-based or feature-based installation and click Next.

On the server selection screen, choose your desired server and click Next. Then on the server roles screen, expand the Application Server category and check the box for SMTP Server.

The wizard will automatically include required features like Web Server (IIS) if they aren’t already installed. Click Next until you reach the confirmation page and then Install to finish.

Basic SMTP Server Configuration

Once installation completes, some basic configuration is required before you can start sending emails. Open the IIS 6 Management Console located at:

Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager

Right-click the SMTP Virtual Server node and select Properties. Go to the Access tab and click Authentication. Check the Basic Authentication box to enable encrypted credentials when sending emails.

Next, go back to the Properties window and click Advanced under Delivery. Set the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) field to a hostname like

You may also want to define smart hosts like your Office 365 endpoint if funneling email through them. Finish by restarting the SMTP service for changes to take effect.

Enabling Relaying from Allowed IPs

By default, the Windows SMTP server won’t allow arbitrary hosts to relay mail through it. You need to explicitly configure IP-based relay permissions.

Navigate back to the Access tab under SMTP Virtual Server Properties. Click the Relay button and choose Add to specify IP addresses that may relay outbound mail through this server.

For example, you may want to allow the IP ranges or subnets for your internal company network. Just be sure not to leave it completely open to the public internet!

Securing Connections with TLS Encryption

To encrypt the connection between your SMTP server and sending/receiving mail servers using TLS, first request and install a valid SSL certificate on the host. You can use an internal PKI or public CA like Digicert.

Import the certificate .PFX file into the local computer’s Personal certificate store. Then in IIS Manager, go to the SMTP Virtual Server Properties > Delivery tab. Click Outbound Security and choose TLS Encryption.

This ensures all message contents and client credentials are protected in transit over the network. Verify the Access tab shows the proper certificate expiration date for additional confirmation.

With that, your core Windows Server 2022 SMTP server setup is complete! Proper configuration helps ensure your email communications remain secure and reliable. Let’s move on to configuring an SMTP relay next if needed.

Configuring an SMTP Relay on Windows Server 2022

In some scenarios, configuring a dedicated SMTP relay server can provide advantages over routing email directly from your internal mail server to external domains. Let’s explore reasons to use a relay, options for implementation on Windows Server 2022, and steps to set it up.
When to Use an SMTP Relay

Adding an intermediary SMTP relay server provides benefits:

  • Centralized outgoing email delivery and security policies
  • Reduced risk of blacklisting if spam originates on internal hosts
  • Support for diverse internal email environments and domains
  • Scalability to handle large volumes of outbound mail
  • Redundancy and uptime through failover capabilities

You may want to utilize an on-premise SMTP relay if you have:

  • Compliance or security requirements to control internet mail flow
  • Numerous internal mail systems needing internet delivery
  • Problems with blacklisting of dynamic internal IP ranges
  • Need for high scalability and redundancy behind a static IP

Using your primary SMTP server directly for external delivery can cause issues. A dedicated relay system offers flexibility.

Options for SMTP Relay Setup

You have two primary options for deploying an SMTP relay on Windows Server:

1. IIS SMTP Relay

Internet Information Services (IIS) has built-in relay functionality through SMTP virtual servers. This lets you quickly enable Windows as an SMTP relay.

2. Third-Party SMTP Relay Software

Alternatively, dedicated relay software like hMailServer offers an on-premise solution. This provides a standalone application purely for relay duties.

Factors like existing infrastructure, cost, complexity, and feature requirements dictate the best choice. Let’s walk through both in more detail.

Configuring an IIS SMTP Relay

If leveraging Windows IIS, first ensure you’ve installed the SMTP Server role and dependent features like Web Server (IIS).

Open IIS Manager and right-click to create a new SMTP Virtual Server. Give it an internal domain name and specify TCP port 25 for insecure or 587 for TLS-encrypted connections.

Next, define your smart host in the virtual server properties under Delivery > Advanced. Enter the hostname like with port 25 or 587.

You’ll also need to import a valid public SSL certificate or internal PKI certificate to enable TLS encryption.

Finally, allow the IP range of internal hosts that will relay outbound through this server under the Access tab. Test connectivity from a client to confirm proper relaying functionality.

Using Third-Party SMTP Relay Software

If opting for dedicated relay software, hMailServer is a popular Windows platform option. After installing, you need to:

  • Add your internal domains to relay permissions
  • Set destination smart hosts like your email provider
  • Choose inbound listening ports
  • Configure authentication and TLS encryption
  • Test relay functionality

This keeps SMTP duties separate from your Exchange or other mail systems.

Comparing Solutions

Factors like cost, complexity, features, and resource usage help determine the best SMTP relay approach:

  • IIS is built-in with Windows Server, reducing extra software costs
  • Third-party software may provide more granular control and role separation
  • IIS relies on Windows server resources while apps have lower overhead
  • Third-party options include antispam, antivirus, and metrics capabilities

Evaluate your needs and environment to decide which strategy is the right fit.

A properly configured SMTP relay enhances the security, scalability, and resiliency of your email architecture on Windows Server 2022.

Configuring SMTP Servers and Email Relay on Windows Server 2022 - Mystrika - Cold Email Software (2)

Testing and Troubleshooting Your SMTP Configuration

Once you finish setting up your Windows Server SMTP environment, testing and troubleshooting are critical next steps. This confirms everything is working and helps resolve common errors if issues arise.
Let’s explore useful techniques for validation and debugging your server’s SMTP functionality.

Confirming Basic SMTP Functionality

Start by performing basic connectivity testing from the server itself or a client. Open a command prompt and use the telnet command like:

telnet 25

This checks that you can reach the SMTP port and exchange basics like:

EHLO yourdomain.comMAIL FROM: [emailprotected]RCPT TO: [emailprotected] DATAFrom: [emailprotected]To: [emailprotected]Subject: Test emailThis is a test body..

Verify you can connect, initiate a test message, enter the content, and terminate properly with a period on its own line. If successful, further testing from clients is recommended.

Sending Test Emails via Telnet

Use the same telnet approach to transmit test messages completely through your SMTP server to external accounts. Leverage a telnet client from a Windows desktop for more robust testing.

Try enveloping the test email content with header/body separators:

HEADERFrom: [emailprotected]To: [emailprotected]Subject: SMTP testBODYThis is a test email sent via the telnet client..

Check whether your external recipient receives the message with the proper content intact. Be sure to authenticate if your SMTP server requires it.

Using the Pickup Directory

Servers running SMTP have a local pickup directory, usually C:\inetpub\mailroot\Pickup. Pasting a .eml file with email content into this folder will automatically submit it for processing and delivery.

Construct a test .eml file and drop it into the pickup folder, then verify successful delivery. The file gets deleted once picked up.

Checking Log Files

Enable logging under SMTP Virtual Server properties in IIS Manager. Then monitor the C:\Windows\System32\LogFiles\SMTP logs.

Look for connection entries from clients and delivery status codes. Error messages here provide insight during troubleshooting.

Common SMTP Issues and Resolutions

If you encounter problems, try these fixes:

TLS/SSL Encryption Errors

  • Validate the certificate was issued properly and imported correctly.
  • Double check TLS is enabled on both client and server.
  • Use TCP port 587 or 465 instead of 25 to force encryption.

Authentication Failures

  • Confirm allowed IPs or relay permissions are configured correctly.
  • Ensure client is providing proper domain, username, and password.
  • Try alternating between basic auth, integrated auth, or no authentication.

Timeouts and Access Denied

  • Check firewalls for blocked TCP ports between client and server.
  • Validate client IP has been added to relay access list if required.
  • Test telnet connectivity on port 25 or 587 to isolate issues.

Network Solutions Specific Troubleshooting

If experiencing problems connecting to Network Solutions for delivery:

  • Verify SMTP server hostname and ports match their setup requirements.
  • Try toggling between SSL, TLS, and no encryption based on their capabilities.
  • Ensure any blacklisted IP ranges are allowed in their filters.
  • Check that your reverse DNS records match SMTP server names.

Proper testing and debugging helps get your Windows Server SMTP environment humming along smoothly. Don’t hesitate to engage Microsoft support if issues persist.

Best Practices for Optimized Windows Server Email

Properly configuring SMTP and implementing email relay capabilities provide the foundation for sending outbound mail from Windows Server. However, more advanced architectural practices can take your environment to the next level.
Let’s explore key recommendations for enhancing security, deliverability, resilience, and performance of your email solution through industry best practices.

Recommended Architectural Principles

When designing a Windows Server email architecture, keep these principles in mind:

Redundancy – Employ multiple SMTP servers behind a load balancer to remove single points of failure. Distribute services across nodes.

Separation of Concerns – Isolate SMTP duties on dedicated servers instead of mixing with other apps on the same host. Separate internal vs external traffic.

Compartmentalization – Segment SMTP servers into their own secured network zone with tight firewall policies restricting access.

Monitoring – Track SMTP server health metrics, logging, and security events centrally to detect issues proactively.

Diversification – Spread delivery across multiple reputable email service providers to avoid reliance on a single vendor.

Automation – Script installation and configuration using tools like PowerShell DSC for consistency and efficiency.

Thoughtfully applying these principles enhances reliability, security, and performance.

Leveraging Virtualization

Running SMTP servers on virtual machines rather than physical hardware provides advantages:

  • Easy Scalability – Spin up additional SMTP VMs quickly to handle increased loads.
  • High Availability – Use failover clustering across hosts to minimize downtime.
  • Resilient Delivery – Distribute redundant SMTP VMs across data centers for geographic diversity.
  • Efficient Infrastructure – Consolidate multiple servers onto powerful virtualized hosts, optimizing resources.

Properly configuring Hyper-V]( or [VMware provides a scalable, resilient platform for SMTP services.

Maintaining Email Deliverability

To ensure reliable delivery of outbound messages, focus on:

  • Warming Up IPsGradually increase volumes on new IPs to build reputation over time.
  • Monitoring Blacklists – Check major DNSBLs regularly and remediate if listed.
  • Managing Bounces – Detect and handle bounces gracefully, identifying persistent issues.
  • Controlling Outbound Spam – Implement outbound spam filters to protect sending reputation.
  • Enforcing Authentication – Require SMTP authentication from clients to reduce anon abuse.
  • Checking DNS Records – Validate proper PTR, SPF, and DKIM entries are published.

Proactively maintaining your email deliverability helps bolster your domain’s reputation and ensures customers reliably receive your messages.

Following SMTP email best practices on Windows Server sets your infrastructure up for scalability, security, resilience, and deliverability down the road. Your architecture choices and operational processes make a difference!

Configuring SMTP Servers and Email Relay on Windows Server 2022 - Mystrika - Cold Email Software (3)

Key Takeaways for Configuring SMTP Servers and Email Relay on Windows Server 2022

Setting up and optimizing SMTP email capabilities on Windows Server involves several key steps and best practices:

  • Audit current email settings on Network Solutions to determine correct ports, servers, and encryption protocols needed.
  • Install the SMTP Server role and IIS dependencies to enable built-in Windows email functionality.
  • Configure basic SMTP parameters like relay permissions, authentication, and TLS encryption for security.
  • Evaluate the potential advantages of deploying a dedicated SMTP relay server for flexibility.
  • Use IIS Manager to set up a relay or leverage a third-party SMTP software solution.
  • Follow a methodical testing and troubleshooting approach to identify and correct any issues.
  • Design a redundant, segregated architecture using virtualization for scalability and failover protection.
  • Maintain email deliverability through warmup techniques, monitoring, and spam controls.

Carefully optimizing your Windows Server environment for stable, secure SMTP operations ensures your organization can exchange emails reliably. Utilizing industry best practices for performance, availability, and deliverability is key.

The steps and recommendations covered provide a blueprint for configuring robust SMTP servers and relays on Windows Server 2022 tailored to your infrastructure needs. With a properly designed email environment, your communications won’t be left out in the cold!

Here are some frequently asked questions related to configuring SMTP servers and email relay on Windows Server 2022:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the benefits of using Windows Server for SMTP?
A: Windows Server offers robust native SMTP capabilities through IIS without needing third-party software. It provides centralized management using role-based administration and PowerShell automation. Built-in functionality like SMTP relay, TLS encryption, and authentication simplify configuration.

Q: When should I use an SMTP relay server?

A: Consider deploying a dedicated SMTP relay if you need to funnel mail through a single gateway for security, have problems with host blacklisting, utilize multiple internal mail systems, or require high volume capacity and redundancy.

Q: How do I enable SMTP relay in Windows Server?

A: Use the IIS Manager console to configure an SMTP Virtual Server, define a smart host target, and specify client IP addresses allowed to relay under the Access tab. Import any required TLS/SSL certificates.

Q: What are some common SMTP issues?

A: Typical problems include SMTP connection timeouts, protocol mismatches, TLS encryption errors, authentication failures, and access denied messages. Check firewalls, permissions, certificates, and protocols to resolve.

Q: How can I validate my SMTP configuration?

A: Perform basic SMTP port testing with telnet. Transmit test messages with sample headers and body content. Utilize the pickup directory and inspect protocol logs. Check for successful external delivery.

Q: What are some best practices for enterprise SMTP?

A: Recommended practices include redundancy, separation of concerns, compartmentalization, virtualization for HA and DR, automation, blacklisting prevention, bounce management, outbound spam filtering, and authentication.

Q: What should I check on Network Solutions when troubleshooting?

A: Audit SMTP server hostname, ports, encryption settings, and any blacklisting of your IP addresses on Network Solutions. Confirm TLS and authentication align between servers.

Q: What benefits does virtualizing SMTP provide?

A: Virtualization enables easy scalability, redundancy and uptime through failover clustering, resource optimization, and flexible network architecture.

Let us know if you have any other common SMTP questions we should add to help IT administrators!

Configuring SMTP Servers and Email Relay on Windows Server 2022 - Mystrika - Cold Email Software (2024)


How to configure SMTP server windows server 2022? ›

Install SMTP on Windows
  1. Step 1: Add Roles and Features in Server Manager Dashboard. ...
  2. Step 2: Select Installation Type. ...
  3. Step 3: Select Destination Server. ...
  4. Step 4: Select Server Role. ...
  5. Step 5: Select Features. ...
  6. Step 6: Install Missing Features. ...
  7. Step 7: Confirm Installation.
Mar 1, 2023

How to configure SMTP relay in Windows server? ›

Firstly, open the Server Manager dashboard. On the dashboard, go to Add Roles and Features. When the wizard opens, tick the SMTP Server checkbox and select the features that you need to install. On the Select Server Roles page, you need to select the Web Server (IIS) role.

What is the danger of running an SMTP relay? ›

For instance, if a relay email server is not secured properly, it could be exploited by malicious actors to send spam messages or even gain unauthorized access to sensitive information. This can result in a compromised system, which can be costly to fix.

How to configure RADIUS server in Windows 2022 server step by step? ›

  1. Setting the static addresses for the Ethernet network interface.
  2. Setting the static addresses for the chassis management IP interface.
  3. DHCP activation. Enabling DHCP for IPv4. Disabling DHCP for IPv4. Enabling DHCP for IPv4 in Directors. Configuring DHCPv6 for IPv6. Enabling Dynamic DNS for IPv6. Disabling Dynamic DNS for IPv6.
Mar 4, 2024

How do I find my SMTP server configuration? ›

Follow these steps:
  1. Open the command prompt or terminal on your computer.
  2. Enter the command: nslookup -type=mx (replace “” with your email domain).
  3. Press Enter.
  4. The MX records for your email domain will be displayed, including the SMTP server address.

What is SMTP relay configuration? ›

SMTP relay refers to the process of transmitting emails from one server to another. SMTP authentication, on the other hand, is a protocol used to authenticate the credentials (like username and password) of the sender to prevent unauthorized usage of the SMTP server.

How do I check my SMTP relay on Windows server? ›

Open Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager. Right click “Default SMTP Virtual Server” and choose “Properties”. Check “Enable logging”. Step 2: Click “Properties …” to check all options.

How do I know if my SMTP relay is working? ›

You can telnet to the server and send an email to another domain using the MAIL FROM and RCPT TO commands. If the final response code is 250 and no authentication was requested, your server is an open relay. Alternatively, easier tests can be done with the following online tools:

What is the difference between SMTP relay and email API? ›

Using an SMTP requires no knowledge of coding. API requires knowledge of coding to be able to operate easily. There is also a need for constant updates and modifications. SMTP requires a lot of back & forth communication with the servers at certain points.

Does SMTP relay require authentication? ›

The server creates a virtual envelope and creates one for each recipient address. It also handles adding headers to the message that can be used to identify other properties of the message. Authentication is often used with SMTP and its relay services.

What ports are used for SMTP relay? ›

Originally, the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) used port 25. Today, SMTP should instead use port 587 — this is the port for encrypted email transmissions using SMTP Secure (SMTPS). Port 465 is also used sometimes for SMTPS. However, this is an outdated implementation and port 587 should be used if possible.

How do I troubleshoot SMTP relay problems? ›

Below is complete troubleshoot steps:
  1. PING: Check your Internet connection & SMTP server connection. ...
  2. TELNET: Check whether you can connect to PORT 25? ...
  3. Cross-check Credentials: Check with SMTP Username & Password. ...
  4. Sender address rejected: Something wrong with From Address. ...
  5. Verify your SMTP Details & Change PORT.

What is the security best practice for SMTP relay? ›

The mail relay for your SMTP server should be limited to only authenticated user email accounts in your system. Your mail transfer agent can be an open relay if it's configured that way. Don't do that. You can further mitigate email malware and phishing attacks by configuring Spam URI Realtime Block Lists (SURBL).

What are the disadvantages of SMTP server? ›

Disadvantages of SMTP include:
  • SMTP's common port can be blocked by firewalls.
  • Its simplicity restricts usefulness.
  • If a message is longer than a certain length, SMTP servers may reject the entire message.

How to check SMTP configuration in Windows server? ›

Open Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager. Right click “Default SMTP Virtual Server” and choose “Properties”. Check “Enable logging”. Step 2: Click “Properties …” to check all options.

How to configure NTP server in Windows server 2022? ›

To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Select Start > Run, type regedit, and then select OK.
  2. Locate and then select the following registry subkey: ...
  3. In the pane on the right, right-click Type, and then select Modify.
  4. In Edit Value, type NTP in the Value data box, and then select OK.
Feb 19, 2024

How do I enable SMTP authentication in Outlook 2022? ›

Open the Microsoft 365 admin center and go to Users > Active users. Select the user, and in the flyout that appears, select Mail. In the Email apps section, select Manage email apps. Verify the Authenticated SMTP setting: unchecked = disabled, checked = enabled.

How to install and configure WSUS in Windows server 2022? ›

Please log in to your Windows Server 2022 and proceed with the following steps.
  1. Open Server Manager.
  2. Click on Add roles and features.
  3. Under Before you begin click Next.
  4. Under Select installation type click Next.
  5. Under Select destination server click Next.
Feb 21, 2024

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