Best Deepwoken PVE Build OAT | Fandom (2024)


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Best Deepwoken PVE Build OAT


Best Deepwoken PVE Build OAT | Fandom (2)

Race: Felinor

Murmur: Ardour & Ardour Scream

Bell: CSlots

Oath: Blindseer or Dawnwalker or Oathless

Origin: Deepbound or Lone Warrior

Outfit: Prophet's Cloak

Pre Shrine:

  • 50 Fortitude: To The Finish, Exoskeleton, Uproar

  • 40 Agility: Ghost

  • 40 Flamecharm: Flame Within, Last Laugh, Agitating Spark, Immolation, Phoenix Flames

  • 50 Thundercall: Raging Static, Lightning Cloak, Spark Swap

Post Shrine:

  • 25 Strength: Ardour Scream, Charged Return, Carnivore, Spine Cutter, Bulldozer

  • 40 Willpower: Ardour Scream, Giantslayer

  • 30 Charisma: Charismatic Cast, Tough Love, Snake Oil

  • 60 Frostdraw: Ice Skates, Wardens Blades/Frozen Servants (chain stacks), Ice Carve/Ice Flock (damage), Level 4 Ice Mantras (almost the same damage as level 5)

  • 81 Hvy: Evanspear Handaxe or Enforcer's Axe with Sear/Tears of Edenkite/Astral

  • 1 Ironsing: Gold

Overall PVE Enchant Tierlist

Best Deepwoken PVE Build OAT | Fandom (3)

PVE Abilities:

  • 1 Cycle Grip Chaser

  • 1 Cycle Ethiron (0 Cycle with enough luck)

  • 3-4 Minute Chaser

  • < 1 Minute Primadon (under 30 seconds possible)

  • < 45 seconds Ferryman

  • <2 Minute Duke

  • Solo or Duo Hellmode

  • Finish Diluvian (not solo)

@King Gloomba

Ghost didnt get gutted its still amazing

Saying you dont need 50 thundercall aside from spark swap is weird cause your proving yourself wrong

Underdog is ass its like 3% dmg increase

1 ironsing is for an ironsing mantra i forgot the name of

You dont need 80 frostdraw thats just a waste of points

Proficency is ass and getting 100 heavy weapon would just be a waste of points

That does leave the 30 charisma and 25 strength i feel like you could just go 20 strength for spine cutter and 25 charisma for tough love


Ghost is gutted because of the 20 second cool down, its not worth it anymore.

Spark Swap isn't worth it when you have 60 frostdraw and 81 weapon post shrine especially on 4 attunements.

Underdog is indeed 3% but you didn't properly read the change logs then. Go ahead and read them.

1 ironsing is dog water.

You need 80 frostdraw because level 5 mantras have a massive difference spike between level 4 mantras.

Proficiency Is good because it has a 7.5% CHANGE, which is extremely high DPS per M1 with100 weapon doing literally 750 damage alone.

30 charisma is useless, 25 strength is also useless. I agree with you for the last one


All your points have been proven wrong. Spark swap is indeed only good for getting AFTER you max out your DPS, which is by getting 100 weapon and 80 Frostdraw, and still having points for 50 thunder call.


@FundinXD the build reaches the damage cap

ghost is for ethiron

50 thunder gives you spark swap and thunder cloak which lets you half cycle floor

25 strength is for half cycle with bulldozer (it works on chaser)

30 charisma is 4 tough love and snake oil

DVM doesnt work on chaser

this build makes the ceilling fall before the fight even starts


you do 3% more damage with 100 heavy i dont know why your ass is complaining

ironsing gives you 10% more damage



30% Damage Boost from Speed Demon

20% Damage Buff from Raging Static

20% Damage Buff from Charged Return

5% Damage Buff from Flame Within

10% Damage Buff from Tough Love

20% Damage Buff from Isshins Ring

10% Damage Buff from Giantslayer

10% Damage Buff from Gold

10% Damage Buff from Food

20% Damage Buff from Ardour Scream

1.5x Swingspeed from Lightning Cloak

Max Chain stacks from Frostdraw

155% damage buff, 102% damage buff with scaling reduction (still max btw)

Max damage + 1.5x Swingspeed + Extra damage from Tears of Edenkite

u can easily 1 cycle


@FundinXD 100 heavy is only 10% more damage


@FundinXD this build is a better version of the 1 below and makes the ceilling fall before the cycle


Ghost isn't needed at all, its only for survivability.

50 thunder is purely for mobility and thunder cloak is just for more DMG

25 strength for bulldozer is reasonable ig, but you don't need it if your still getting 60 frostdraw post shrine

30 charisma is purely for snake oil. 25 is for tough love.

Yes ik ironsing gives 10% DMG, you have to consistently pop buffs, instead of getting scrape singer and talents that give you the buffs.

Your talents that give you DMG boost aren't even calculated correctly, i'll fix it below.

The damage from Speed Demon is purely bleed and isn't actually 30%.

Your damage scales with your talents so none of these are actually accurate aside from flame within.

100 heavy is much more DMG with proficiency scaling, and its worth it because if you have 6 prof you do actually like 30% more M1 Dmg.


I'm not gonna argue with u rn, so I'll fix the build later (in my opinion)

What do you think?

Best Deepwoken PVE Build OAT  | Fandom (2024)
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