15 Hatha Yoga Poses for Beginners You Should Know (2024)

Hatha Yoga is a good choice for beginners because it gives you time to learn the basic yoga poses and become comfortable with them before moving on to more advanced poses.

Hatha classes often end with relaxation, giving you a chance to wind down and feel the effects of the poses on your body. Here are some basic Hatha Yoga for beginners.

15 Hatha Yoga Poses for Beginners You Should Know (1)

What’s Hatha Yoga?

Hatha Yoga is an ancient practice that has its roots in India. The word “Hatha” means “forceful,” and this type of yoga is known for its vigorous poses and deep breathing.

Hatha Yoga is a great way to improve flexibility and build strength, and it can also be a powerful tool for stress relief.

In a Hatha Yoga class, you can expect to spend time stretching, doing standing and seated poses, and practicing meditation and deep breathing.

15 Hatha Yoga Poses for Beginners You Should Know (2)

A Brief History of Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga is a branch of yoga that emphasizes physical postures or exercises. The word “Hatha” can be translated to “forceful.” Indeed, Hatha classes often feature more challenging poses than other types of yoga.

Hatha Yoga originated in India by Gorakhnath, and some of the first references to it can be found in ancient texts in the 2nd and 5th centuries.

In the West, Hatha Yoga gained popularity in the 1920s and 1930s, thanks in part to the work of influential teachers like Swami Vivekananda and Krishnamacharya, as well as Indian immigrants.

15 Hatha Yoga Poses for Beginners You Should Know (3)

The Benefits of Hatha Yoga

One of the most well-known benefits of Hatha Yoga is its ability to improve flexibility. This is because Hatha Yoga involves various stretching exercises that help to lengthen and tone the muscles. In addition, Hatha Yoga can also help to increase strength and improve balance.

Furthermore, the deep breathing exercises involved can help to improve lung function and increase energy levels. Finally, practicing Hatha Yoga regularly can help reduce stress levels and promote feelings of relaxation and well-being.

15 Hatha Yoga Poses for Beginners You Should Know (4)

What is the Difference Between Hatha Yoga and Vinyasa Yoga?

Hatha Yoga is a type of yoga that emphasizes breath control, controlled movements, and stretching. Vinyasa yoga focuses on linking the breath to your exercises, which are generally carried out at a quicker speed. In a Vinyasa session, you may anticipate moving in a continuous flow of activities.

15 Basic Hatha Yoga Poses for Beginners

Mountain Pose – Tadasana

Tadasana is one of the most basic yoga poses, but don’t let that fool you – it’s also one of the most important. From Tadasana, all other standing poses derive. To get into the pose, begin by standing with your feet and your hands at your sides.

Then, lift your toes and spread them wide, engaging all four corners of each foot. Next, lift your chest and roll your shoulders back. Finally, raise your arms overhead and bring your palms together in front of your heart.

When done correctly, Tadasana should resemble a mountain: tall, proud, and unshakeable.

15 Hatha Yoga Poses for Beginners You Should Know (5)

Tree Pose – Vrikshasana

The Tree Pose is a wonderful way to improve your balance and focus while also getting a great stretch for the legs. To begin, stand with your feet together and your arms at your sides. Slowly raise your right foot and place it on your left inner thigh.

Make sure that your foot is flat against your thigh and that your heel is in line with your hip. Once you are settled in, begin to raise your arms overhead, keeping them parallel. As you do this, take a deep breath in and out.

Begin to exhale as you slowly bend forward from the waist, bringing your arms toward the floor. Continue taking deep breaths in and out as you hold this pose for up to one minute.

To release the pose, slowly bring your arms back up to overhead as you inhale. Exhale as you lower your right leg back down to meet your left leg. Repeat this pose on the other side.

15 Hatha Yoga Poses for Beginners You Should Know (6)

Standing Forward Bend – Uttanasana

Uttanasana is a great Hatha pose to stretch the hamstrings, calves, and hips. It can also help to release tension in the back and shoulders. To practice this pose, stand with your feet together and your hands on your hips.

Take a deep breath in, and then exhale as you hinge forward at the waist. Allow your arms to hang loose as you fold forward. If you can’t reach the ground, it’s okay to place your hands on your shins or knees.

Be sure to keep your spine long as you fold forward. Hold the pose for several breaths before slowly coming back up to standing. Uttanasana is a great pose for beginners, but it can also be beneficial for more experienced practitioners.

15 Hatha Yoga Poses for Beginners You Should Know (7)

Chair Pose – Utkatasana

Utkatasana is one of the most popular yoga poses. It is a beautiful way to strengthen the back, legs, and arms. The chair pose can also help to improve balance and posture.

Start in a standing position with your feet together and your hands at your sides to do the chair pose. Then, bend your knees and lower your hips until you are sitting in an imaginary chair.

Be sure to keep your back straight and your core engaged. You can also place your hands on your hips or raise them above your head. Hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, and then return to standing.

15 Hatha Yoga Poses for Beginners You Should Know (8)

Downward-facing Dog Pose

The downward-facing dog pose offers a wide range of benefits, from promoting proper alignment to improving circulation. To achieve this pose, begin in a tabletop position with your hands and knees on the ground.

Then, press into your hands as you lift your hips and straighten your legs. Be sure to keep your core engaged as you do this. Finally, walk your feet back until they are in line with your hands, and press into your palms as you press your hips upward.

15 Hatha Yoga Poses for Beginners You Should Know (9)

Corpse Pose – Savasana

Savasana is one of the most important poses in yoga. In the Corpse pose, the body is completely relaxed, and the mind is allowed to become still.

With practice, it is possible to achieve a state of complete relaxation. To do the Corpse pose, lie on your back on a yoga mat with your eyes closed.

Let your arms fall to your sides, and your legs be straight. Stay in the pose for as long as you like, and then slowly come out of it. You may want to have a blanket nearby to cover yourself if you get cold.

15 Hatha Yoga Poses for Beginners You Should Know (10)

Bridge Pose – Setu Bandhasana

Setu Bandhasana is an outstanding pose with many benefits. This pose helps to open the chest and lungs, which helps to improve breathing.

To do this pose, lie on your back, bending your knees and feet flat on the floor. Then, slowly raise your hips off the ground, using your glutes and hamstrings to lift your body upward.

Next, place your hands on your lower back for support and hold the position for 5-10 breaths. Finally, release the pose by slowly lowering your hips back to the ground.

15 Hatha Yoga Poses for Beginners You Should Know (11)

Low Lunge – Anjaneyasana

Anjaneyasana is a wonderful pose that is beneficial for opening up the hips, chest, and shoulders while strengthening the legs.

To begin, start in the Downward-facing Dog pose with your hands and feet placed firmly on the mat. Next, step your right foot forward into a low lunge, keeping your left leg straight behind you.

Make sure that your right knee is stacked directly above your right ankle and that your left heel is lifted off the mat.

15 Hatha Yoga Poses for Beginners You Should Know (12)

Plough Pose – Halasana

Halasana is another great Hatha Yoga pose that will teach you how to use your breath to control your movement. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Place your hands on your lower back, and press your palms into the ground.

Slowly straighten your legs and lower them behind your head as you exhale. Place a block under your lower back for support if you cannot reach the ground.

Once your legs are in position, engage your core muscles and press your palms into the ground. Inhale deeply and hold the pose for five breaths.

Cobra – Bhujangasana

The Cobra Pose is great for beginners to learn how to engage the core muscles. To get into Cobra Pose, start by lying on your stomach with your feet hip-width apart and your palms flat on the ground next to your chest.

As you inhale, press down into your palms, lift your chest, and head off the ground. Keep your elbows close to your body and look up.

Don’t let your low back sway; keep your core engaged so that you move as one unit. To exit the pose, exhale and lower your head and chest back to the ground.

15 Hatha Yoga Poses for Beginners You Should Know (13)

Head Stand – Sirsasana

The Sirsasana is a yoga pose that requires a great deal of strength and flexibility. To make a Head Stand, you must first come into a supported handstand position.

From there, you will slowly lower your head to the floor and then tuck your chin into your chest. Once your chin is resting on the floor, you can begin to straighten your legs and raise your hips up into the air.

It is important to keep your core engaged throughout the entire pose to find stability. Remember to take deep breaths and exit the pose slowly and carefully. Headstands are excellent for improving balance and building upper body strength.

15 Hatha Yoga Poses for Beginners You Should Know (14)

Locust Pose – Salabhasana

Salabhasana is an excellent pose for strengthening the back muscles. To enter the pose, lie down on your stomach with your legs straight. Place your arms at your sides, palms up.

Raise your head, chest, and legs off the ground as you inhale. Keep your navel pulled in and your lower back flat. Hold the pose for a breath or two, then exhale and release back to the starting position. Remember to breathe deeply throughout the pose.

15 Hatha Yoga Poses for Beginners You Should Know (15)

Child’s Pose – Balasana

The Child’s pose is a fantastic position for beginners to start exploring yoga. It is also an excellent way to stretch the back and hips after a long day of sitting.

To begin, come onto your hands and knees with your palms flat on the ground and your knees hip-width apart. As you exhale, slowly lower your buttocks down toward your heels, keeping your arms along your sides.

If you can’t rest your buttocks on your heels, place a block or cushion beneath them for support. Once you are in position, simply relax and breathe deeply. You may want to stay here for several minutes, letting the tension melt away from your body.

When you are ready to release the pose, press into your palms and slowly return to an upright position.

15 Hatha Yoga Poses for Beginners You Should Know (16)

Plank Pose – Phalakasana

Doing planks is a great way to build strength in your arms, shoulders, and core. Start in a tabletop position with your hands shoulder-width apart and your knees directly below your hips to get into the pose.

From there, lift your knees off the ground and straighten your legs to be in a low plank position. Keep your core engaged and your back flat throughout the pose.

To intensify the pose, you can lift your hips higher or bring your heels closer to your glutes. To release, lower your knees back to the ground and come into a rest position on your hands and knees.

Boat Pose – Navasana

The Boat Pose helps to build core strength, improve balance and flexibility, and increase energy levels. It also helps to improve digestion and relieve stress.

Start by sitting on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground to do the pose. Place your hands behind your knees and lift your feet off the ground.

You can either keep your knees bent or straighten them. If you straighten your knees, make sure to keep your back straight.

From here, raise your hips off the ground and bring your chest toward your thighs. Hold the pose for as long as you can and then release. Remember to breathe deeply throughout the entire pose.

What to Expect During a Hatha Yoga Class?

In a Hatha Yoga class, the instructor will likely provide demonstrations and offer modifications to help you find the safest and most effective way to do each pose before you perform them.

You’ll also spend time focusing on your breath, which is an important part of Hatha Yoga. Once you have learned the basics of the Asanas and Pranayama, you’ll be able to put them all together in a flowing sequence, or Vinyasa.

This type of class can be vigorous, but it’s also very rewarding. You’ll feel invigorated, toned, and balanced after just one session.

What to Wear to a Hatha Yoga Class?

You want clothing that won’t restrict your movement or distract you from your practice. loose-fitting pants or shorts and a tank top or t-shirt are usually good choices. If you prefer a more form-fitting look, leggings or yoga pants with a fitted top may be more your style.

And don’t forget your mat! A good yoga mat will provide traction and cushioning, helping you to feel stable and comfortable as you move through each pose.

How to Do Yoga Safely and Avoid Injury?

First, be sure to warm up before your yoga session. A simple sequence of sun salutations can help to loosen your muscles and prepare your body for the more strenuous poses ahead.

Second, listen to your body and don’t push yourself too hard. If a pose feels uncomfortable or you start to feel pain, stop doing it and rest. And finally, be sure to cool down and rest at the end of your practice.

How to Start Hatha Yoga?

To start with, it is essential to find a comfortable place to practice. This may be a spot in your home or outdoors in nature. Next, you will need to gather any props that you might need, such as yoga mats, blankets, and blocks. Finally, wear comfortable clothing to move freely.


Hatha Yoga is a great way to start your yoga journey. Those Hatha Yoga poses for beginners will help you get started on the right foot. You’ll notice improved strength, flexibility, and peace of mind with regular practice. Give Hatha Yoga a try today! What are you waiting for?

15 Hatha Yoga Poses for Beginners You Should Know (17)
15 Hatha Yoga Poses for Beginners You Should Know (2024)


What are the 15 asanas of Hatha yoga? ›

Hatha Yoga Pradipika - Asanas
  • Swastikasana (The Auspicious Pose)
  • Gomukhasana (The Cow Face Pose)
  • Veerasana (Hero's Pose)
  • Koormasana (Tortoise Pose)
  • Kukkutasana (co*ckerel Pose)
  • Uttanakoormasana (Stretching Tortoise Pose)
  • Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
  • Matsyendrasana (Spinal Twist Pose)
Aug 4, 2021

What are the Hatha yoga poses Level 1? ›

7 Classical hatha yoga poses for beginners are Tadasana (Mountain pose), Vrikshasana (Tree Pose), Uttanasana ( Standing forward bend pose), Adho Mukha Savasana (Downward facing dog pose), Setu Bandhasana ( Bridge pose), Salabhasana ( Locust pose), Virabhadrasana ( Warrior pose).

What are the 84 asanas of Hatha yoga? ›

Adho Mukha Vrikshasanaअधोमुखवृक्षासनDownward-Facing Tree, Yoga Handstand
Akarna Dhanurasanaआकर्णधनुरासनShooting bow, Archer, Bow and arrow
Anantasanaअनन्तासनAnanta's pose, Vishnu's Couch pose
Anjaneyasanaअञ्जनेयासनCrescent Moon
46 more rows

How many poses are there in Hatha yoga? ›

The well-known text on Hatha yoga – The Hatha Yoga Pradipika – is regarded as a kind of anthology of many Hatha texts combined. It includes fifteen primary postures, seven of which are seated and eight non-seated, as well as an amalgamation of additional postures, totalling 84 asanas.

What are the 5 elements of hatha yoga? ›

The 5 Elements are Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Space. The 27 asanas of the P-TAK or Pancha Tattva Asana Sequence will take you through these 5 elements one by one. You will be able to experience for yourself the nature of these asanas due to their different elements.

What are the 7 limbs of hatha yoga? ›

  • YAMA – Restraints, moral disciplines or moral vows. ...
  • NIYAMA – Positive duties or observances. ...
  • ASANA – Posture. ...
  • PRANAYAMA – Breathing Techniques. ...
  • PRATYAHARA – Sense withdrawal. ...
  • DHARANA – Focused Concentration. ...
  • DHYANA – Meditative Absorption. ...
  • SAMADHI – Bliss or Enlightenment.

Is there a sequence in Hatha yoga? ›

In Hatha yoga people may have already been trained to cue their classes in a particular way and sequence. Most sequences kind of resemble a thread that is one posture follows another in a logical step-by-step direction, moving from less challenging to more challenging and back to less challenging.

Is Hatha yoga hard for beginners? ›

If you're new to yoga, hatha yoga may be the right practice to start with. The slow-paced style can promote a relaxed environment to learn. If you have any injuries or physical limitations, hatha yoga is a gentler practice that can be easier on the body.

What is the difficulty level of Hatha yoga? ›

Hatha is considered a gentle yoga that focuses on static poses and is great for beginners. However, even though it is gentle, it can still be physically and mentally challenging. Practitioners will want to wear close-fitting athletic wear and sports bras for maximum comfort and ease of movement.

What are the 6 obstacles of Hatha Yoga? ›

The six obstacles to yoga practice are over-talk, overeating, more public contact, more labor, insistence on the rules, and restless/unsteady mind. Over-talk refers to people who are too imaginative and tend to speak too much, leading to wasting physical time and negative attitudes.

What yoga has 26 poses? ›

Bikram Yoga is a sequence of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises, practiced in a heated room over 90 minutes.

What are the 8 limbs of Hatha Yoga? ›

He defined the eight limbs as yamas (abstinences), niyama (observances), asana (posture), pranayama (breathing), pratyahara (withdrawal), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (absorption).

What is harder vinyasa or hatha yoga? ›

Vinyasa yoga is a more active yoga class that requires more energy, so while it can help you to relax and lower stress, some of its more obvious benefits include: Improved balance and stability. Strength and endurance training. Cardiovascular exercise.

How long do you hold a pose in hatha? ›

In hatha classes, the emphasis is on staying in a pose to cultivate patience and persistence. It's possible that you might remain as long as a couple of minutes in a posture.

What are the 8 limbs of Hatha yoga? ›

He defined the eight limbs as yamas (abstinences), niyama (observances), asana (posture), pranayama (breathing), pratyahara (withdrawal), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (absorption).

What are the 8 Pranayamas in Hatha yoga? ›

Swatmarama Suri in HATHA PRADIPIKA states that there are Eight Pranayamas: Surya Bhedana, Ujjayi, Sitkari, Sitali, Bhastrika, Bhramari, Murch'cha and Plavini.

Which asana is the best according to Hatha yoga? ›

Here are some hatha yoga poses that have great benefits and are easy for beginners to learn with the help of online tutorials:
  • Tadasana, also known as the mountain pose. ...
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana. ...
  • Paschimottanasana. ...
  • Baddha Konasana, also known as the cobbler pose. ...
  • Shavasana, also known as the corpse pose.

What are the 6 limbs of Hatha yoga? ›

They are yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi. Here is how they are defined: 1) Yamas focus on how we relate to others.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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